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Want to Volunteer?


Oklahoma Craft Beer Festival Volunteers


Thanks for your interest in volunteering for the 13th annual Oklahoma Craft Beer Festival. We appreciate your help along with rolling with the changes and additions this year!

This event will take place at the Oklahoma Fairgrounds, in the Pavilion building on Saturday Afternoon 1-4 PM, and Saturday Night 6-9 PM, June 3, 2023! Please be sure to navigate our website  ( or link tree

This is an all-day volunteer event working the event and helping it run smoothly. (Some early morning shifts are available to help set up) We will provide lunch between sessions, a commemorative cup/glass (2nd session), swag bags, time to snag a few samples, as well as a free t-shirt (and hugs). This is NOT a sign up for brewery pourers.  

We need your help to run a safe, responsible, and fun event for everyone who loves craft beer. 

  • Festival Support- will be assigned to a specific area of booths to oversee. You will arrive an hour and a half before the session begins to pick up a free t-shirt to wear, packet and be given details about the job. This is perfect for groups of 2 to 4 to get together, these are more labor-intensive positions.

  • ID checkers/wristbands You will arrive an hour and a half before the session begins to pick up a free t-shirt to wear, packet, and be given details about the job. You will check IDS of all patrons coming into the facility, No one is allowed under 21 including infants and Designated drivers, and attach wristbands to ticket holders only.

  • DD Table- You will arrive an hour and a half before the session begins to pick up a free t-shirt to wear, packet, and be given details about the job. You will check DD tickets and hand them specific merch/water for the event and lead them into a door.  You may also direct persons into the Volunteer room for the VIP list and questions/concerns. 

  • Floating Help- You will arrive an hour and a half before the session begins to pick up a free t-shirt to wear, packet, and be given details about the job. This job will be filing in gaps throughout the festival when needed.

  • VIP Check in- You will arrive an hour and a half before the session begins to pick up a free t-shirt to wear, packet, and be given details about the job. This is to check in those who do not have paid tickets that are on the VIP list, this may include moving throughout the festival to confirm those who have not given names on the list and also watch over the hospitality area.

  • Judging Area- You will arrive an hour and a half before the session begins to pick up a free t-shirt to wear, packet, and be given details about the job. This job is very important to help guide the judges and organize results for the competition.    

  • Photo Booth- You will arrive an hour and a half before the session begins to pick up a free t-shirt to wear, packet, and be given details about the job. This is a FUN job helping take pictures and watching over the props and assisting if needed. 

NOTE: All volunteers MUST be 21 years or older. Please only sign up if you are 100% sure you can commit to volunteering. Please do not hinder someone who wants to work from having their chance to.  


As a volunteer, I am committed to:

  • I agree to pour NO MORE than 2oz samples into every festival sample cup per sample given. Failure to follow these practices will result in me being asked to leave the venue.

  • Be dependable, recognizing the commitment and responsibility to my volunteer assignment(s).

  • Accept assignment(s) consistent with my interest, abilities, and available time.

  • Not use, possess, or be under the influence of illegal drugs at any time while serving as part of the Oklahoma Craft Beer Festival. If I indulge in alcohol, I promise to do so in a responsible manner that will not prohibit my ability to perform my volunteer duties during my shift.

  • VISIBLY wear my Oklahoma Craft Beer Festival Volunteer T-shirt and lanyard at all times. All items of clothing must be suitable for the work environment.

  • Following safe workplace practices, I will also report suspicious activities to the volunteer supervisor and security.

  • Recognize that I have a responsibility to adhere to the rules and procedures of the event. Failure to do so or failure to satisfactorily perform my volunteer assignment may cause me to be subject to dismissal.


For questions or concerns: Contact Tamara Hill at This is the BEST form of communication or you may contact me at 405-543-9631 NEW NUMBER (text is best and I will respond within reason).


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